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Jayatha B C

Research Associate (Botany)


• M.Sc., Botany - Mount Carmel College (2018-2020)
• B.ed Biological Science Cauvery B.ed College (2020-2022)

Research Interests

• Phyto pharmacognosy
Extraction of plant materials and application in medical diagnosis
• Plant tissue culture-Invitro growth of endangered plants
• Comparative analysis of plants based on various organoleptic, phytochemistry evaluations
• Applied phycology- the cultivation of algae for the production of Biodiesel.

Jayatha B C

Professional Experience

• Biology Lecturer: Swami Vivekananda College 2021-2023


Jayatha B C is a Research Associate at Prayoga, specializing in pharmacognosy, ethnobotany, applied phycology, and education research, particularly focusing on the benefits of extracurricular activities in education. She holds a Master’s degree in Botany and a Bachelor’s in Education with a specialization in Biological Science. Her research includes a project on the pharmacognostic, antibacterial, and antioxidant activity of Aerva lanata (L.) A.L. Juss ex Schultes (Amaranthaceae), which is known for its medicinal properties, particularly in treating kidney stones. The project involved a comparative analysis of market and authentic samples, assessing the authenticity and purity of the market sample through pharmacognostic evaluations and tests for antibacterial and antioxidant activities.

Ongoing Research Projects

1. Comparative analysis of Bonsai and Normal Tree of Ficus species
2. Characterization of lipase inhibitors in Combretum Flowers (Wellness)
3. Geosmin Production from Streptomyces

Representative Publication


Will be updated soon

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